The debtor's lifestyle
Last year was a good year for my Jerry and I, and we have made significant progress toward paying off a number of loans that we've held for a long time. This is a wonderful feeling, but I'll also say that I look back with some appreciation on the folks and institutions who lent us the money. It is incredible to me that folks like Jerry and I can always manage to live, regardless of whether we are making money or losing money. Jerry and I have had both kinds of years, for sure!
I've been up-front on this blog about our search for another home, probably abroad, so I am getting ready to take the plunge into another mortgage. I'm pushing for a home in the UK (they speak English and play soccer over there!), so I've been browsing a British site that has put us in touch with several banks offering good terms, though they also do secured loans and personal loans.
Link: loans
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