Casa Buena

My home, your home, and the world of business

Monday, December 04, 2006

My family is a veteran of the start-up wars. My husband has started three companies in the past ten years, and each experience has been more painful than having a baby. And I know exactly what I'm talking about, in that arena. I've given birth to two children without any pain medication, and I'd rather have another child tomorrow than start another company.

For folks like us, is fascinating to watch. This site chronicles the birthing pains of, which pays bloggers to cover new businesses that are looking for coverage. This process--the birthing of a company--is a thrill even secondhand, and this site brings you as close as you can get to the process without your actually having to max out all your credit cards, drive down to Sand Hill Road, and put your family's well-being on the line.

This show walks the line between a web reality show and a documentary. I'd say that it is a documentary, with the boring parts taken out.

I will say that I suspect that some of the painful parts have been taken out, in addition to the boring parts. Ted Murphy shows up at Draper Fisher Jurvetson within the first 30 seconds of the show. In my experience there is a lot of hard work before that arrival at the VC's offices.

Link: web reality show


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